For Local Government Authorities
A guide to the film industry, location shooting and liaising with productions for local government authorities in Western Australia.
Local Government Authorities’ Guide to Filming
Western Australia is committed to supporting the facilitation of filming and ensuring a film friendly welcome to productions seeking to film in regional and metro areas.
Every film made in WA has the potential to enhance the opportunities for the ones to follow, by increasing our capacity for production, creating more jobs, demonstrating and reinforcing the strength of our local skills base and making it more enticing for companies to invest in the infrastructure that keeps our state competitive.
At the heart of all successful filmmaking is effective collaboration – not only among the crew, but between the filmmaker and the community, residents, local council, local businesses, police, and other government agencies.
Location filming requires a balance between the interests of the local community, both residents and businesses, and the need of the screen industry to share public space for film production.
Screenwest’s Western Australia Film Friendly Program aims to cut red tape and streamline approval processes by working with regions and councils to offer benefits to producers including:
- A ‘one-stop’ shop region/council appointed liaison for filming in the region – the Film Liaison Officer
- Recent and searchable location images tagged to each region
- Low or no-fee applications for filming
- Adoption of standardised and streamlined permit application forms for filming
- Standard response times for filming requests
- Logistical advice and assistance to productions
- Access to key locations under each council’s jurisdiction
- Ensure filmmakers have a positive experience and receive a responsive, consistent, transparent & informed service across WA
- The tools to enable public agencies to balance filming requests with the needs of the local area