Funding & Incentives
We fund project development and production for film, TV and digital games, as well as skills development opportunities for Western Australian practitioners.
Incentives – Bring your project to Western Australia
Our competitive funding incentives make it even easier for you to bring your production to Western Australia. Chat to us about location assistance options.
Production Funding – For WA producers and production companies
Promotes Western Australian stories, talent, culture and Country to national and international audiences.
Development Funding
Our development funding programs support Western Australian writers, directors, and producers to develop scripted and documentary projects.
Digital Games Funding
Our Digital Games funding will boost the growth of WA's digital games sector by supporting content development, capability development and strategic industry building opportunities.
Skills & Business Support
Our skills and business support programs are special initiatives designed to support the capability and capacity building of Western Australian crews, creatives and companies in order to grow and create a more sustainable WA screen industry.
Travel Support
Our travel support program provides funding towards the cost of travel for Western Australian practitioners to attend relevant interstate and international markets and conferences, or festivals and awards.
First Nations
Special initiatives for Western Australian First Nations content makers. These initiatives complement the Screenwest Funding Program and provide talented First Nations screen practitioners and production companies with additional opportunities to access and participate in the screen industry. In addition to these initiatives WA First Nations content makers may apply to any Screenwest funding program and are encouraged to do so.
Equity and Access Support
Screenwest is committed to reflecting the broad diversity of Western Australia’s community through the projects we fund, the practitioners we support, and the audiences we reach.
Film Festivals Support
Our Film Festivals support is designed to promote the talent and screen content of Western Australian screen practitioners to audiences and markets.
Special Initiatives
Our initiatives include production, project development and skills development programs, designed to support Western Australian practitioners and companies.
2024 Funding Calendar
Our core funding programs close at different times throughout the year - here are the important application deadlines for the rest of the 2024 calendar year.