List your WA Filming Location
Do you have a scenic, picturesque, quirky and/or distinct location or property? Add it to our online location gallery!
Have you considered listing your home, land, office building, warehouse, restaurant, bar, hotel or other locations as a filming location?
Films, television shows, commercials, music videos and still photo shoots are always looking for the perfect location for their production. If you think you have the perfect scenic, picturesque, quirky and/or distinct location, add it to our online location gallery and your location could be seen on the big or small screen!
Please note not all properties will be listed within our location library. We reserve the right to omit images and listings of property at our discretion.
Inclusion of a property in the Screenwest location library places the owner under no obligation whatsoever to accept the proposed film shoot onto the premises. Each project is individually assessed in terms of its budget, schedule and the scenes to be filmed. It is up to you to decide if you want to allow that particular production to use your property.
Filming activity in a neighbourhood can create parking, noise, and traffic congestion that can cause substantial strain for other residents and businesses. Therefore, a production company is required to gain permission from the applicable authority prior to filming. Please be aware that issuance of a permit is not guaranteed.
Have questions? Screenwest’s Film Friendly Resources can help!
* The submission form will not work on a smartphone or tablet. Please use a desktop or laptop computer to submit your location.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
For more information about listing your location or any other location queries, please contact:
Gabrielle Cole, Production Attraction & Services Manager
T: +61 8 6169 2117