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Found: 37 items

The Way We Wore

The Way We Wore is an illuminating three-part documentary series which exploring the cultural and historical significance of fashion in Australia, revealing how the clothes we wear provide intimate and surprising insights into the evolution of our country.

Outback Farm

Chasing the dream of a new life, first-time farmers, Anthony and Danyelle Haigh, and their two young sons, have sold up everything and moved to a remote, ramshackle 5000-acre farm, slap bang in the middle of Australia to grow hay in the desert.

Our Law Series

At Western Australia’s first Indigenous-run police station in Warakurna, two officers discover more about Yarnangu Lore and culture. They also master the local Ngaanyatjarra language to police in a more meaningful way.

New Leash on Life

Comedian Joel Creasey and dog expert Laura V are on a mission to rescue pound dogs whose lives are on the line, train them up, and pair them with a family in need of a dog in their life.

What Does Australia Really Think About…

In this series, we reveal what Australia really thinks about disability, obesity and old age through emotional personal stories, confronting social experiments, an in-depth nationwide survey, and covert filming where we capture shocking examples of prejudice, discrimination and abuse.

Laura Henkel

Laura’s Choice

Laura Henkel is eccentric, outspoken, feisty and 90 years old. She has decided she wants to end her life on her own terms, and she asks her daughter Cathy and granddaughter Sam, both filmmakers, to make a film about it. LAURA’S CHOICE explores complex questions as three generations of women navigate a radical approach to dying

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