Writers Tool Kit
THE PINNACLES COLLECTIVE presents: This two-day intensive workshop which will provide hands...
Friday, 29 March 2019
9:00 am / 5:15 pm
THE PINNACLES COLLECTIVE presents: This two-day intensive workshop which will provide hands-on, practical instruction on a range of activities and professional requirements for early career, emerging andworking writers and writers/directors in Western Australia who are interested in updated information on: contracting and AWG industrial agreements; Screenrights and collecting agencies; copyright and current legislation; using Final Draft from first draft to locked pages; changes in digital, broadcast and theatrical screen state-of-play and who they affect screenwriters. Ideal for industry practitioners at multiple levels of experience whoneed updated information on a changing screen industry landscape as well as hands-on work with contracts, software and other tools of the trade. Presenters for the two-day workshop are TBD to be sourced from local and interstate professionals in conjunction with the AWG (with whom we will work to present the event).