WA Reflections – Our History Rediscovered Applications Close
A State Library of Western Australia Collection Film Initiative WA Reflections – Our History...
Monday, 14 September 2020
5:00 pm
A State Library of Western Australia Collection Film Initiative
WA Reflections – Our History Rediscovered is a capacity building program for early to mid-career Western Australian filmmakers to produce short documentary films of up to five minutes in duration. They will creatively utilise a select list of available items in the State Library of Western Australia (SLWA) collection, with the purpose of sharing Western Australian stories.
Successful projects / teams will have access to support from SLWA curatorial staff who will collate collection items to be used for the project, as well as assist with permissions required for access where required.
In line with Screenwest’s Indigenous Screen Strategy 2016-2020, and the Western Australian Screen Industry, Diversity & Inclusion Roadmap, WA Reflections will support at least one project with an Indigenous key creative and at least one project with a key creative who identifies as CALD, LGBTQIA+ or living with a disability.
All program guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the Screenwest Terms of Trade.
The full guidelines, SmartyGrants application link and eligibility criteria are available on the Production Funding page of the Screenwest website.