SPA Ones to Watch Info Session
Emerging producers thinking about applying for Screen Producers Australia’s Ones to Watch...
Emerging producers thinking about applying for Screen Producers Australia’s Ones to Watch Program are invited to attend an Information Session tomorrow, Friday 6 April 2018 at 3:00pm at Fielder Street Creative, ABC Building 30 Fielder Street East Perth.
Ashlee Sang from SPA will answer your questions via Skype regarding the application materials, assessment and what the Ones to Watch Program offers successful applicants.
SPA have extended the application deadline especially for WA emerging producers to Friday, 27 April 2018 to accommodate newly interested applicants.
To register your interest for the Information Session, email with your full name.
Screen Producers Australia’s Ones To Watch Program matches emerging producers with a leading, experienced screen industry producers who provide expert one-on-one mentoring and career guidance.
More information on Ones to Watch on Screen Producers Australia webpage.