*SOLD OUT* Screen Australia heading to Perth to meet WA filmmakers
Screen Australia is coming to Perth to meet Western Australian screen practitioners on Tuesday 7 March 2023, and hold one-on-one information sessions on Wednesday 8 March 2023.
Please note: this event is now sold out.
Screen Australia is coming to Perth to meet Western Australian screen practitioners on Tuesday 7 March 2023, and hold one-on-one information sessions on Wednesday 8 March 2023.
WA practitioners are invited to hear from CEO Graeme Mason, Head of First Nations Angela Bates, Head of Content Grainne Brunsdon, and other members of the Content team (including Games) in a panel discussion. This is a chance for WA-based creatives to hear about funding opportunities, initiatives and what makes for a competitive application.
Please note: Screen Australia Documentary staff will not be in attendance as they will be at AIDC in Melbourne.
In Conversation + Networking Event
All WA practitioners are welcome to attend this In Conversation with Graeme Mason and Screenwest CEO Rikki Lea Bestall, followed by a presentation from Screen Australia’s Content team and networking drinks.
Date: Tuesday 7 March 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 7.30pm
Where: Palace Cinemas Raine Square, 300 Murray Street, Perth WA
Registration: Secure your spot via email with the subject line: RSVP Screen Australia Roadshow – Networking Event
One-on-One Sessions
Screen Australia staff will be holding 30-minute one-on-one information sessions for practitioners to learn more about their funding programs.
Date: Wednesday 8 March 2023
Time: 9:00am to 1:30pm
Where: Location TBC
Capacity is limited so RSVP quickly to secure your place. To book a meeting email the relevant contacts below with the subject line: RSVP Screen Australia Roadshow – One on Ones and a brief overview of the project you would like to discuss.
Contact Screenwest
T: +61 8 6169 2100
E: info@screenwest.com.au
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