Screen Australia Enterprise Roadshow in Perth
Screenwest and Screen Australia are providing the opportunity for you to come and...
Screenwest and Screen Australia are providing the opportunity for you to come and hear about the Producer Offset, Story Development and revised Enterprise Programs on Monday, 15 April 2019 at 5:30pm.
Please join Screen Australia’s Senior Manager Producer Offset and Co-Production, Michele McDonald; Industry Development Executive, Bali Padda; and Head of Development, Nerida Moore as they answer your questions.
Nerida, Bali and Michele will also be available for one-on-one meetings with WA Practitioners on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 from 9:00am. Please email by Monday, 8 April 2019 to register your interest.
Screen Australia Enterprise Program Information Session
Date: Monday, 15 April 2019
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Where: Screenwest, Level 2, 30 Fielder Street, East Perth WA 6004
Register: Places are limited for this event and registration is essential. Visit the Eventbrite page to claim your free ticket.
Then join us for casual drinks and networking at The Royal on the Waterfront after the information session concludes.
One-On-One Meetings
Date: Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Time: Meetings available from 9:00am
Where: Screenwest, Level 2, 30 Fielder Street, East Perth WA 6004
RSVP: Places are strictly limited. Please email Screenwest Development & Production Assistant Monique Hammond at by Monday, 8 April 2019 to register your interest.
Michele will be taking meetings will be taking meetings to discuss the Producer Offset.
Nerida and Bali are interested in general ideas with development and potential. Please note: they won’t be taking meetings on pitches for enterprise as the new guidelines focus on an idea that will receive development opportunities.
Producer Offset and Co-Production Unit
Screen Australia’s Producer Offset and Co-Production Unit (POCU) administers the Producer Offset and Co-Production programs.
The Producer Offset (PO) is a refundable tax offset (rebate) for producers of Australian feature films, television and other projects. The PO is worth 40% of qualifying Australian production expenditure (QAPE) for feature films and 20% for other eligible formats such as television, documentary and online.
The Co-Production Program has been put in place to encourage production and foster relationships between international filmmakers. In allowing two or more international producers to come together to make a screen project, it provides them with the opportunities to access the resources required to produce projects that will be internationally competitive.
The objective of the program is to foster projects that will be truly international in terms of storytelling, budget ranges and the audiences to which they appeal.
The two Enterprise streams are:
- Enterprise Business & Ideas, which allows an Australian entity (e.g. company) to apply for funding to develop and deliver an innovative screen business proposal, hire a company placement and/or access business-building services.
- Enterprise People, which allows both emerging and experienced creatives to apply for funding for a domestic or international career placement, and/or other professional development opportunities.
Significant program changes include:
- Applications open all year, subject to budget availability. Applications will be assessed monthly.
- Simplified two-stage application process for Enterprise Business & Ideas, mirroring changes made to the rest of the Development Unit’s programs in July 2018.
- Greater flexibility of proposal duration, including up to two years for business ideas and domestic placements. Part-time placements are also eligible.
- Expanded funding offering, with one-off Enterprise People funding available for career consultants and mentorships, and one-off Enterprise Business & Ideas funding to develop business plans and get external corporate advice.
- Opportunities beyond standard company structures, with sole traders and not-for-profits all now able to apply for Business & Ideas.
- The introduction of a pilot Enterprise Exchange offering, which will give stage two Enterprise Business & Ideas applicants access to free professional advice from leading screen experts to help strengthen their applications.
- Encouraging co-funded placements, particularly in relation to Business & Ideas company placement proposals where the host company contributes to the cost of the staff member.
- A focus on inclusion, with proposals that can demonstrate they will help redress the underutilisation of female creators and talent from diverse backgrounds being highly regarded.
- The upper funding limits of both Enterprise Business & Ideas and Enterprise People remain in line with previous iterations of Enterprise, including up to $400,000 for successful company applicants and up to $140,000 for individuals. Drama and documentary-based creators are eligible.
Enterprise Program Guidelines
The guidelines for the Enterprise programs are linked below:
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