PFCWA hosts info session on Superannuation open to all screen industry
The Professional Film Crew of WA invite screen industry practitioners to attend Superannuation...
The Professional Film Crew of WA invite screen industry practitioners to attend Superannuation Guarantee: An Information Session to help demystify the complexities regarding superannuation, workers compensation and more.
Date: 9 April
Time: 8:45am for 9:00am start. Runs for 2.5 hours
Venue: Fielder St Creative, ABC Building, 30 Fielder Street East Perth
Tea & coffee will be provided.
Whether you are crew, an agency, a producer or a production accountant, this workshop will provide a range of valuable key advice and insights into this area.
Guest speakers James Tng and Varun Kumar, accountants at Moore Stephens WA will discuss the key financial and tax implications, and Patrick Horneman from Media Super will cover how Media Super, the industry’s super fund, can assist with the provision of Superannuation dedicated to your industry.
A Q&A session with speakers facilitated by Cate Rocchi of Perth Media.
Bring your business card to enter for a door prize draw.