NAIDOC Week 2020 at Yagan Square
NAIDOC Week 2020 at Yagan Square
Yagan Square Digital Tower is celebrating National...
NAIDOC Week 2020 at Yagan Square
Yagan Square Digital Tower is celebrating National NAIDOC Week by exhibiting 5 short films and a digital exhibition celebrating Indigenous culture from 8 – 15 November 2020.
The 2020 NAIDOC theme “Always Was, Always Will Be” recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.
NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country – a history which dates back thousands of generations.
Visit Yagan Square Digital Tower this week to watch a curated program of films celebrating a diversity of Indigenous experiences and culture, and visit the NAIDOC Week Website to see other events you can attend around the country.
NAIDOC Week Screenings at Yagan Square Digital Tower
Preserving Living Libraries – Preventing Dementia in Aboriginal Communities
- Screening daily at 4:30pm on Yagan Square Digital Tower
During NAIDOC Week the Aboriginal Ageing Well Research team at The University of Western Australia (with the support of RPH Research Foundation) focuses on a tough subject: Dementia.
Early illness means losing stories, information, and teachings which are essential to Aboriginal Culture and communities. This short film explores the challenges dementia creates within Indigenous Communities and looks at the pathway forward.
Miss NAIDOC Perth Celebrating 10 Years!
- Screening daily at 8:30pm on Yagan Square Digital Tower
This year marks the 10th Anniversary of Miss NAIDOC Perth and in 2020, we celebrate ten incredible young Aboriginal women who completed their participation in the six-week Empowerment and Leadership Program.
This program offers young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women the opportunity to explore their culture, develop their leadership potential, and strengthen their public presentation and life skills.
Ni! Bilyada Waanginy – Listen! The Rivers are Speaking
- Screening at Yagan Square Digital Tower | 10:00am on Saturday, 16 November 2020 | 5:00pm on Sunday, 17 November 2020
The Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together movement is a large-scale, long-term, systems-change project for us to move together as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people walking towards 2029 (200 years of colonisation in Perth) and beyond.
As part of the Danjoo Koorliny, respected Elders Dr Noel Nannup OAM and Dr Richard Walley OAM with the Chief Scientist of WA Prof. Peter Klinken AC, discuss how we can better work together to heal our state’s ancient waterways.
Patjarr Ngurra, Ninti Pukula Ngultuku Tjumara
(Mother’s Country, Learning Family Stories) Time-lapse of Artist’s Commission
- Screening daily at 1:20pm and 6:20pm on Yagan Square Digital Tower.
“This painting represents my mother’s country, North of Warburton.
“It shows the protector Marlpa guarding and overseeing the land. Marlpa is the protector of the land, stories and culture of my people.
“When visitors with good intent travel through our land to learn and understand our culture, Marlpa ensures that they are protected and safe.
“Marlpa also protects us when we travel through the country to visit and celebrate with other groups… We would share our stories through dancing, storytelling and language with the younger children to make sure it gets passed down through the generations and our culture will stay strong.
“Through teaching our children we hope that they can pass down our stories to all Australians so we can all come together for a better future for our grandchildren and our country.” – Statement by the Artist, Bunbury Regional Prison in the care of Corrective Services at the Department of Justice.
‘Wadjemup: Koora Wordel, Kalygool Wordel’
(Rottnest Island: Always Was, Always Will Be)
- Screening daily at 1:45pm on Yagan Square Digital Tower
‘Wadjemup: koora wordel, kalygool wordel’ is a short film created during the Emerging Curators Program at WA Museum Boola Bardip in partnership with Rottnest Island Authority.
Vanessa Smart and Samara King were the Emerging Curators for 2020 and together they made an important exhibition sharing their perspectives as Indigenous women and the need for truth-telling around Wadjemup’s history.
The emerging curator program lasted 6 months during the height of COVID restrictions in WA. Despite the restrictions, the curators:
- Researched, wrote and produced an online exhibition for the first time
- Directed video content for the exhibition as first-time filmmakers
- Conducted oral histories with four Indigenous elders (first time again) about their relationship to Wadjemup
Come and enjoy their film at Yagan Square during NAIDOC week. Check out their online exhibition at
Celebrating the Legacy of our Moorditj Bridyas
- Screening daily at 3:45pm on Yagan Square Digital Tower
This NAIDOC Week, the City of Perth is celebrating the legacy of Whadjuk Nyoongar Elders through photographic portraits and oral histories.
As part of its recognition of Aboriginal culture and ongoing commitment towards reconciliation, the City commissioned WA photographer Eva Fernandez to capture the spirit and essence of the ten Elders who comprise the City’s Elders Advisory Group:
- Aunty Theresa Walley
- Aunty Doolan Eatts
- Uncle Ben Taylor
- Aunty Margaret Culbong
- Aunty Muriel Bowie
- Uncle Walter Eatts
- Uncle Farley Garlett
- Aunty Irene McNamara
- Uncle Albert McNamara
- Uncle Noel Nannup
The Elders are the Bridyas (bosses) and as such are recognised, valued and honoured by the City as heads of the Aboriginal community.
The Moorditj Bridyas exhibition will be on display at Council House until 29 January. Learn more on the Visit Perth website.
The portraits will be displayed as a digital exhibition on Yagan Square Digital Tower throughout NAIDOC Week.
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