Industry Advisory Group Expressions of Interest
Industry Advisory Group Expressions of Interest
Screenwest is accepting Expressions of Interest to...
Industry Advisory Group Expressions of Interest
Screenwest is accepting Expressions of Interest to fill the current vacancies on the Screenwest Board’s Industry Advisory Group (IAG).
Expressions of interest close Friday, 2 August 2019 at 5:00pm AWST.
About the IAG
The IAG is an advisory group that assists the Screenwest Board to engage with, monitor and keep current with emerging issues and trends affecting the WA screen industry.
The IAG helps the Board make decisions on a properly informed basis and provides a vital link and flow of information between the Screenwest Board and the WA screen industry.
The EOI process seeks people with interest and enthusiasm, who are actively engaged with and committed to the screen industry. The IAG has a complementary mix of screen industry interests, skills and experience to ensure that it can meet the tasks required of it.
The IAG typically meets once a quarter with a membership of up to 10 members.
IAG members may be appointed for a period of three years, and members will receive an honorary payment in line with the Screenwest Board remuneration policy.
Administrative support to the IAG is provided by Screenwest.
How to Apply
More information on the IAG, including details on how to apply, can be found in the Screenwest Industry Advisory Group Expression of Interest Overview.
Expressions of interest close Friday, 2 August 2019 at 5:00pm AWST.
More Information
Enquiries can be directed to Alison Jackson, Screenwest Executive Assistant, in the first instance on +61 8 6169 2124.
Toll Free: 1800 463 043
Contact Screenwest
T: +61 8 6169 2100
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