Fantastic Response to New Initiatives Spurs Innovation within the WA Screen Sector
Fantastic Response to New Initiatives Spurs Innovation within the WA Screen Sector
Fantastic Response to New Initiatives Spurs Innovation within the WA Screen Sector
Screenwest has received an extraordinary response to the new initiatives introduced to sustain the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Bright Ideas Crew Capacity Initiative and the Taking Care of Business Funds to assist producers, production companies and post-production companies were flooded with applications during the submission window. Applications have now closed.
Screenwest recently announced the $2.5 million dollar WA Screen Industry Sustainability package which comprised of repurposed funds through the State Government of Western Australia through Lotterywest in rapid response to the emerging COVID-19 situation.
Screenwest and its assessment panels are working to review all applications quickly and thoroughly, however due to the sheer volume of applications and requests for funding, it is evident not all applications will receive funding, and some may not receive the full amount .
Applications received for the Bright Ideas Crew Capacity initiative hit the brief and were of exceptional quality with a diverse range of projects.
Matt Horrocks, Head of Screen Investment and Strategic Projects for Screenwest said, “Applicants to Bright Ideas were given the opportunity to think outside the box and many have really delivered.”
“With funding requests for more than double the amount available, the rounds are exceptionally competitive. Unfortunately Screenwest won’t be able to support all of the proposals. However we are heartened to see the resilience and innovative and creative minds of our screen industry come to the forefront during this challenging time,” he said.
“Keeping the industry developing and creating during this period is paramount. In order to provide ongoing support to the Western Australian screen industry during this time, Screenwest has had to take some necessary steps including the announcement of the sustainability package and forward committing funds. This will ensure the industry is ready to re-commence production in a stable condition when it is safe to do so,” explained Willie Rowe, CEO of Screenwest.
He added, “With the announcement that the State Government has extended the Western Australian Regional Film Fund for a further twelve months, we are optimistic that Western Australia will be in a strong position to recommence production, with new projects ready to come off the shelf when restrictions are lifted.”
Funding announcements for the Bright Ideas Crew Capacity Initiative and the Taking Care of Business – Production Company and Producer Support and Fix It In Post support packages will be made in the coming weeks.
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