Applications open for Scripted Development Investment Funding
Screenwest has opened applications for the fourth and final Scripted Development Investment funding round for the 2022-23 financial year, closing Monday, 22 May 2023.
Screenwest is pleased to announce that the fourth and final round of Scripted Development Investment Funding for the 2022-23 financial year is now open.
Scripted Development Investment Funding provides concept development (Stage One) and project development (Stage Two) funding to emerging and experienced Western Australian practitioners who are creating scripted content for all delivery platforms (including theatrical).
Note: Screenwest is currently undertaking industry consultation to help inform a review of our scripted development and production funding programs, with WA scripted key creatives invited to join Screenwest Executive staff for a think tank session later this month.
How to Apply
Applications close Monday, 22 May 2023 at 5:00pm AWST.
The full guidelines, application materials and eligibility criteria are available on the Development Funding Page of the Screenwest website.
Applications must be submitted before 5:00pm on the due date through the Screenwest SmartyGrants Portal.
All program guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the Screenwest Terms of Trade.
Program Contacts
For more information about the Scripted Development Investment Fund, please contact:
Shane McNeil, Development Manager
T: +61 8 6169 2109
Madeline Small, Funding Team Assistant
T: +61 8 6169 2114
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