Applications now open for Australia – Indonesia Fast Track Initiative 2023 Travel Support
Screenwest is offering the opportunity for a limited number of WA screen practitioners to travel to Indonesia from 13-18 March 2023 as part of the Australia - Indonesia Fast Track Initiative. Applications close Monday, 20 February 2023 at 5:00pm AWST.
Screenwest is offering the opportunity for a limited number of Western Australian screen practitioners to travel to Indonesia as the final part of the Australia – Indonesia Fast Track Initiative. The delegation will travel from 13-18 March 2023, with the focus on encouraging Business-to-Business relationships and cultural collaborations between Western Australia and Indonesia.
About the Australia – Indonesia Fast Track Initiative
The Australia – Indonesia Fast Track Initiative is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Cultural Diplomacy Grant Program. The initiative is designed to accelerate opportunities for collaboration and the development of intercultural skills capacity between Australia and Indonesia, and bring joint stories to the screen.
Indonesia is a large and developing economy that offers a range of opportunities for Western Australian businesses looking for a new and growing market. Indonesia has a population of 268 million of which half are younger than 30, and a rapidly growing middle class. In 2020-21 Indonesia was WA’s 11th largest trading partner with total trade valued at $3.5 billion.
The trip
Screenwest will be supporting the delegation to Indonesia from 13-18 March.
Practitioners selected to participate in the delegation will have the opportunity to attend scheduled meetings, site visits and networking opportunities. Itineraries will be flexible so that time for independent meetings outside of the delegation can be arranged, but the expectation is that practitioners will be available to attend key delegation events and meetings.
Screenwest will provide successful applicant/s with an amount of up to $3,500 towards their travel and accommodation costs. Practitioners will need to book their own travel/accommodation.
How to apply
To be eligible for travel funding support applicants must:
- Be a Western Australian resident screen practitioner and meet the general eligibility criteria in the Screenwest Terms of Trade.
- Be expected to attend the delegation in person for the entirety of the schedule.
- Submit a rationale for attendance that details:
- Your engagement with Indonesia to date and any relevant outcomes achieved.
- Your interest in participating in the delegation including the outcomes sought and how these outcomes will benefit the WA screen industry.
- Your commitment in doing business with Indonesia, in terms of future professional cultural, creative and commercial outcomes between Australia and Indonesia.
Applications close Monday, 20 February at 5:00pm AWST.
Program Contacts
It is recommended that practitioners first get in touch with Head of Production, Chris Veerhuis to discuss their Australia – Indonesia Fast Track Initiative applications:
Chris Veerhuis, Head of Production
T: +61 8 6169 2118