Feature Film Boot Camp 2.0
THE PINNACLES COLLECTIVE Under the guidance of an experienced feature film writer and...
Wednesday, 17 April 2019 to Thursday, 25 April 2019
All Day
THE PINNACLES COLLECTIVE Under the guidance of an experienced feature film writer and script editor, 3 selected teams (any combination of writer/director/producer) will work individually (as teams) and collectively (with other teams within a workshop context) to rewrite an already existing screenplay. Ideal for experienced industry practitioners or emerging teams who hope to apply for West Coast Visions and other feature script incentives. Groups formed at the Mix and Match event are invited to submit an application for FFBC 2.0. This submission will include CVs of the team, and log line and 1-2 page summary of project. Three teams will be selected for the boot camp. Beginning in February 2019, the teams will meet on a weekly basis to work through a new draft of a feature film screenplay. Groupsare expected to collectively support each others’ projects as well as to work on their own.