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See the latest news from Screenwest and the Western Australian Screen Industry.

Eva Di Blasio joins Screenwest as new Talent Development Manager
Screenwest welcomes producer Eva Di Blasio as the new Talent Development Manager.

Edit Assistant Attachment on AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS
Gold Gypsies Chris and Greg Clark detecting gold
Screenwest is providing a…

Production Coordinator Attachment on AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS
Head of Camera Riaan Laubscher, Producer Diana Pepper, Gold Gypsies Greg and Chris…

Production Management Attachment Opportunity on OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS
Screenwest are providing a Professional Attachment opportunity on the Prospero Productions Television series…

Professional In Residence Seminar with Corrie Chen
Screenwest is delighted to present a free seminar with talented Australian director Corrie…

First intake of Screenwest’s General Diversity Fund for 2018-19 now open
The first intake of the Screenwest General Diversity Fund: Stream 2 for 2018…

New Screen Industry Skills Development Fund
Screenwest have launched the new Screen Industry Skills Development Fund. Applications for the…

Freelance Survival Workshop
Monica Davidson, founder of Creative Plus Business, is presenting a two-day Freelance…

Screen Producers Australia Rights Issues for Producers Seminar
Screen Producers Australia (SPA) is coming to Perth to run a Rights Issues…

Emerging filmmakers on the rise through Screenwest’s Generate Fund
Screenwest’s Generate has awarded two filmmaking teams $10,000 each to produce…

Screenwest / ABC Children’s Diversity Internship Recipient Announced
Screenwest and ABC Children’s congratulate Western Australian emerging producer, Veronica Light on…

PFCWA hosts info session on Superannuation open to all screen industry
The Professional Film Crew of WA invite screen industry practitioners to attend Superannuation…
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Image credit: Cast and crew of Blueback on location in Bremer Bay, Western Australia © David Dare Parker