VIDEO: Update from Willie Rowe | June 2019
Screenwest Update from Willie Rowe | June 2019
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Screenwest Update from Willie Rowe | June 2019
The latest Screenwest and WA Screen Industry news from Screenwest CEO Willie Rowe.
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Hello, I’m Willie Rowe and welcome to the June update of the screen industry in West Australia from Screenwest.
It’s been a pretty exciting month we’ve just gone through and there’s some exciting things coming up for the next month.
Most recently, we announced the Interactive Pilot Funding program for interactive and immersive industries.
It’s a terrific initiative that we launched last week with our minister, Minister Templeman, and it provides a total fund of $100,000 as a pilot to support immersive technologies, including games, and other initiatives.
The information session tonight will be held at 5:30pm at it’s at Screenwest’s offices in East Perth. And you can find more information about it on our web page.
So, I urge you to go and have a look for more information on that, particularly if you’re an emerging practitioner in that area. It’s a terrific opportunity!
Revelation Film Festival kicks off on the 4th of July.
I had the great pleasure of attending the launch of their program last week and it’s a very exciting program.
The initiative that Screenwest is really keen on is Get Your Shorts On! which is on the 11th of July and that will be at Luna.
It’s a fantastic array of shorts that will be screened that evening and I urge you to get along and enjoy that evening.
We’re also about to announce a complete review of our internal processes, as to managing our grants and assessment processes and procedures.
That’ll include looking at our Terms of Trade and our guidelines. And we’re also looking to integrate that with the implementation of SmartyGrants, which is an electronic online grants management system, that we’re looking to develop and to roll out.
This is a complete review of how we operate and we believe it will be a fantastic initiative from our end to support the industry, to make life easier in interacting with Screenwest and to make it easier from our end in terms of managing our grants processes.
That’s all from me, but if you want more information, you can always go to
Willie Rowe
Screenwest CEO
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