IAGC Industry Meeting
The Screenwest Industry Advisory Group Committee invites members of the WA Screen Industry to the second town hall meeting on Tuesday, 1 June 2021.
The Screenwest Industry Advisory Group Committee (IAGC) is pleased to invite members of the Western Australian Screen Industry to the second ‘town hall’ style meeting to raise items of discussion and ask questions of the group.
The IAGC is looking forward to meeting with members of the sector in what is the continuation of ongoing and meaningful engagement with the industry.
Due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions, places for the meeting are strictly limited and the event will not be live streamed.
For Regional Practitioners
For regional screen practitioners or those with access requirements which may prevent them from attending the event in Perth, the IAGC will be hosting a virtual town hall session on the 27th of May at 6pm.
Please email info@screenwest.com.au to register your attendance for the Virtual Regional Town Hall session and you will be sent a link prior to the meeting.
If you are unable to attend or register for either of these opportunities, you are also welcome to touch base with Industry Advisory Group Committee members at Screenwest networking events, or by emailing info@screenwest.com.au and Screenwest will direct your enquiry.
IAGC Industry Meeting Event Details
Date: Tuesday 1 June, 2021
Time: 6pm – 7:00pm
Venue: The State Library of Western Australia (Theatre), 25 Francis Street, Perth.
Register via Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/june-2021-iag-industry-meeting-registration-153275556315
Please note that Screenwest Board and Staff will not be in attendance and this meeting will be run exclusively by the Industry Advisory Group Committee to encourage industry to industry communication. It is likely the IAGC will pass along key, de-identified feedback to Screenwest where appropriate.
IAGC Virtual Town Hall for Regional and Disability Diverse Practitioners
For regional screen practitioners or those with access requirements which may prevent them from attending the event in Perth, the IAGC will be hosting a virtual town hall session.
Date: Thursday 27 May, 2021
Time: 6pm – 7pm AWST
Register by emailing info@screenwest.com.au and you will be sent a link prior to the virtual meeting.
Your feedback will be kept confidential unless otherwise requested, with key, unidentifiable feedback provided to Screenwest where appropriate.
Contact Screenwest
T: +61 8 6169 2100
E: info@screenwest.com.au
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