Ricky Naser is a young Australian whose peaceful suburban life turns to hell when his sister Ameena disappears without a trace. In a climate of distrust and xenophobia, Ricky is forced to denounce her as an extremist.
Invisible Republic
The Koop
Dolce Vita
Ameena, a young hijab wearing Australian of Palestinian origin, disappears one night after featuring in a slam poetry gathering in the suburbs of Sydney. An Australian air force fighter is shot down over Syria and the pilot is captured by the IS. The two unconnected events wreak hell in the quiet suburban life of Ricky (Tariq, Ameena’s brother) who runs a small neighbourhood hipster café with his wife Sally.
The case is handed to Police inspector, Joanne Hendricks, only weeks back at her job following a long convalescence after a nervous breakdown brought on by her son, Ryan’s death a few years earlier in Afghanistan. Despite all Joanne’s efforts, Ameena cannot be found. In a climate of mistrust and xenophobia, it is suggested in the media that she is not a missing person but a ‘home grown radical’ who has gone to Syria to join the Islamic State. The pilot is cruelly assassinated and the video circulated. The state and the media put into force a performance of discipline and punishment.
Despite his innocence, Ricky must atone for the sins of all those deemed responsible and, for the sake of his family, denounce his sister. But, for Joanne, the only way to rid herself of her ghosts is to discover the truth behind Ameena’s disappearance.
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Production Information
Writer & Director
Partho Sen-Gupta
Michael Wrenn
Marc Irmer
Tenille Kennedy
Charles Billeh
Executive Producers
Alaa Alasad
Aya Al Blouchi
Alissar Gazal
Remi Prechac
Grady Habib
Nicolas Bourgeois
Key Cast
Adam Bakri
Rachael Blake
Rebecca Breeds
Darina Al Joundhi
Damian Hill
Abbey Aziz
Bonsai (ANZ)
Doc & Film International
Key Locations
Bonnie Elliot ACS
Annick Raoul
Sound Designer
Nicolas Becker
Production Design
Clayton Jauncey
Costume Designer
Shareen Beringer
Eryck Abecassis