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Grace is on a bus in the middle of nowhere with her best friend Sappho.  She has something in her backpack she thinks is exciting.  Sappho is not so sure about it.  Jamie, cute as they come, gets on the bus.  Things have just got more exciting.  Sappho loses heart for their big adventure and leaves Grace and Jamie to their flirtations.

Bruce carts grain backwards and forwards across the country in his big yellow truck.  He has been landed the job of looking after his son Phillip for a few days.  Having Phillip in the truck may or may not be either legal or smart, it is not clear.  Back home his wife is freaking out about a spider that needs to be dealt with.

Norris should have retired but he likes to be useful and detective work is in his blood.

Denise, Grace’s mum, finds a note on the kitchen bench that says “sorry mum”.  She can’t make sense of it and she can’t find her husband, Dan, either. His secretary says he has gone out to get a bun.  But how long does it take to get a bun?

Dan, Grace’s dad is on his own roller coaster ride of a day and that’s before he finds out his daughter is missing and that she seems to have stolen a lot of cash out of his safe. A lot of cash – even Dan isn’t too sure how much it was.

As all of them hurtle down the highways and back roads to find Grace, life unravels faster than they can put it back together again. Denise finds out more than she really wanted to find out. Dan has to make some tough decisions. Norris finds he can help someone in a small, unexpected way.  And Grace finds out that being grown up is a lot harder than she ever imagined.

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Production Information

Writer & Director

Sue Brooks


Lizzette Atkins

Sue Taylor

Alison Tilson

Executive Producers

Antonio Zeccola

Benjamin Zeccola

Key Cast

Richard Roxburgh

Radha Mitchell

Odessa Young

Terry Norries

Harry Richardson

Kenya Pearson

Myles Pollard

Julia Blake

Holly Jones

Shirley Van Sanden

Kelton Pell

Rebecca Davis

Bailey Hester

Tasma Walton


Palace Films (ANZ)


Fortissimo Films (INT)

Key Locations


Director of Photography

Katie Milwright


Peter Carrodus

Production Designer

Clayton Jauncey

Costume Designer

Terri Lamera

Filming in the Wheatbelt

“There is a road in the wheat belt of Western Australia that has a long avenue of salmon gums hugging the edges.”

“If you drive through this avenue as the sun is setting, you feel like everything in the world is ok. This image was a touchstone for me while making Looking for Grace.”

– Sue Brooks, Writer, Director, and Producer

Photo credit Jane Bennett
Director Sue Brooks
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Acknowledgement of Country



We acknowledge Whadjuk Noongar people as the original custodians of the land on which the Screenwest office is located.


Screenwest acknowledges and pays respect to all Traditional Owners of Country across the State of Western Australia and their Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, spiritual beliefs and relationship to land and waters and acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the people living today. We extend this respect to all Indigenous language groups.