Koko: A Red Dog Story
The true story of an ordinary dog who became extraordinary.
Good Dog Enterprises
Woss Group
An ordinary dog whose strange good fortune and innate ability to connect with people allow him to navigate his local community, the world of show dog competitions and eventually the film entertainment business, his rise to stardom and ultimate legacy of helping other dogs in shelters.
Watch the trailer
Production Information
Writer & Directors
Aaron Mccann
Dominic Pearce
Lauren Brunswick
Nelson Woss
Line Producer
Isabel Perez
Ben Wright
Executive Producers
Bryce Menzies
Greg Parker
Marc Van Buuren
Colin Vaines
Key Cast
Jason Isaacs
Sarah Woods
Toby Truslove
Felix Williamson
Verity James
Distributor and Sales
Good Dog Distribution (ANZ & INT)
Key Locations
Director of Photography
Lewis Potts
Regg Skwarko
Production Designer
Mon Wajon
Cezary Skubiszewski
Costume Designer
Nicole Ferraro
Jason Isaacs
Red Dog: a Filmic Legacy
“As in Red Dog, the soul of this film will be drawn out of the relationship between a community and a dog.”
“There is no doubt that Koko had an amazing following but as one experiences the interviews with people from all walks of life as they express what Koko meant to them, it will celebrate the impact that dogs have on our lives.”
– Nelson Woss, Producer